
Give your mind the habit of doubt and your heart that of tolerance.
— Lichtenberg, Le Miroir de l’Âme


05. 14. 24 Newsletter

Newsletter 12

Satigny Business Park 1 Rest area To ensure a building that meets specific health and safety requirements, a rest area has been created on the ground floor of SBP1. Accessible to all, it offers a relaxing atmosphere with views of…
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02. 29. 24 Newsletter

Newsletter n°11

How do we insure our buildings Insurance Who is insured We communicate to the insurer the qualification of the team to make sure we have the knowledge to cope with our activity. This is always taken into consideration by the…
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11. 10. 23 Newsletter

Newsletter n°10

Satigny Business Park 2 Thanks to all those who made this possible. On October 12, we celebrated the inauguration of SBP2 in the presence of around a hundred guests, including the authorities and representatives of the fire department. Eighteen months…
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07. 14. 23 Newsletter

Newsletter n°9

SBP1+ The SBP1 building is acquiring an extension, called SBP1+ This extension will work upwards: on the same piece of land, by constructing a new industrial building which will arch over the existing one. With the added + : more…
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05. 30. 23 Newsletter

Newsletter n°8

SLENERGY Energy autonomy as a tool for net zero. SLEnergy website went life mid of May. SLEnergy aims to provide innovative approaches and facilitate simple and intelligent technological solutions. SLEnergy aims to inspire change in attitudes towards energy and support…
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03. 28. 23 Newsletter

Newsletter n°7

SBP1 Fire compliance of the 1st floor corridor by Processus Immobilier SA. SLE followed the recommendations of “Fire Protection” audit 2021. On the 1st floor, the distribution corridor for the various rental areas was made fireproof. A new fireproof access…
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02. 23. 23 Newsletter

Newsletter n°6

DONA Since May 2022, Swiss Land Estates is supporting DONA, a coffee brand that sources high quality specialty coffee uniquely and exclusively from women-owned coffee farms around the globe. Women are largely invisible in the coffee industry. Did you know that 70%…
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12. 16. 22 Newsletter

Newsletter n°5

APIDAE Swiss Land Estates supports APIDAE, an association that works for biodiversity by protecting bees. It’s here and now: We are experiencing the 6th mass extinction in 500 million years and the first since the disappearance of dinosaurs. This awareness…
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09. 26. 22 Switzerland

Newsletter n°4

SLENERGY The project to implement shared waste collection on SBP1 is being materialized. We have laid out the plans and planned the installation. The building permit will be submitted to the authorities on October 2022 for a start of works…
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